Everyone understands the importance of good self-care to help reduce your chances of developing illnesses and generally feel more energized and positive. Although enjoying a nutritious diet and regular exercise is beneficial, it can’t stop aging. As you get older, your body does begin to slow down, and you might notice that you struggle to do certain things that were never a problem in your youth. This is why senior citizens often need additional support in their later years and should be making regular visits to their doctor to monitor their health. Below are some examples of common health issues in the senior community.
1. Heart Disease
This can be a big issue for those over 65, so it is important to be mindful of your diet and the strain you are putting on your heart. Having your cholesterol checked is a good way to stay on top of heart disease risk and make healthier adjustments to your lifestyle. You should also be monitoring your blood pressure to ensure that this isn’t another issue that could lead to heart disease or other problems with this organ.
2. Arthritis
Arthritis is another common health issue within the senior community, although it can also affect younger people. This condition can be very uncomfortable and painful, causing joints to swell and difficulty doing some basic tasks. While there are various medications and treatment options to help alleviate arthritis pain, it can still impact an individual’s routine. If a senior relative you know suffers from this and finds it difficult to clean themselves, get dressed, or prepare food due to their arthritis, you might want to look at care options. Signature care homes are a good example of assisted living communities you might want to look at.
3. Oral Health Issues
When you are thinking about your health, sometimes it can be easy to overlook the importance of dental hygiene. Everyone should make an effort to brush and floss their teeth twice a day as a basic oral hygiene routine, but you should also be having check-ups at the dentist at least once a year. Senior citizens might find that they have more oral health issues later in life, and it’s important to visit your dentist as soon as you notice a problem to avoid losing your teeth.
4. Diabetes
Another disease that a lot of senior citizens might develop is type 2 diabetes. This will require you to make certain changes to your lifestyle and manage medications to keep your blood sugar levels normal. Some symptoms of type 2 diabetes to look out for include an increased thirst, excessive urination with a greater need for this during the night, cuts taking longer to heal, and feeling more lethargic than usual.
There are all kinds of health issues you can develop at any stage in life, but these are common problems that a lot of senior citizens in the US face and are worth looking out for.
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