Do you have a family member in prison? Are you worried about losing contact with them?
Behind bars, prisoners are cut off from their families and friends. The calls and emails they receive from their loved ones mean the world to them. Yet, many prisons have placed restrictive limitations on what inmates can and can’t do.
If you want to ensure you can stay in touch with your prisoner, you need to know about the restrictions that are in place. You need a quick prisoner communication guide.
Want to learn how to do this? Then keep reading to find out everything you need to know!
Using Nonverbal Signals to Exchange Information
In a prison setting, prisoners must rely on nonverbal signals for communication. A prisoner communication guide improves information exchange and maintains contact among prisoners.
Prisoners exchange information through clothing, tattoos, and gestures, maintaining connection. For example, two prisoners may pass each other in the hallway and nod to one another in acknowledgment.
Nods provide a warning about potential danger. Nods also show the other person that they are being watched. Two prisoners can also use hand signals to communicate with each other when out of view of prison guards and other inmates.
Methods of Communication for an Incarcerated Person
Incarceration of a loved one can be difficult, but there are ways to stay in contact with them. This guide can provide families with insight into the different types of methods of contacting an incarcerated loved one.
Facilities may impose contact restrictions. It includes communication type, time frame, and duration, depending on the facility. The most popular methods of contact include phone, video visitation, and inmate mail.
Phone calls are the most efficient as prisons usually have daily and weekly call schedules. Video visitation is a great option for those who are further away or unable to make long-distance calls.
Inmates are usually allowed to communicate through the mail. It is a great alternative for those who may not have access to technology. With such a range of methods, staying in contact with a loved one who is incarcerated doesn’t have to be a worrying experience.
Harnessing Technology to Keep in Touch
A prisoner communication guide offers valuable information on inmate search. It includes prisoner search terms, databases, and websites. It also offers tips for staying in contact with incarcerated family members.
The guide emphasizes using secure technology for communication. It includes messaging, video calling, or email. It limits communication to matters related to the prisoner’s well-being or rehabilitation.
Schedule face-to-face visits, avoid insecure communication, and avoid discussing illegal activities. These guidelines ensure secure correspondence and positive outcomes for the prisoner’s well-being.
Learn More About Prisoner Communication
Prisoner communication is essential for the well-being of an incarcerated individual. By following these guidelines, communication with inmates in prison can be almost effortless. Encouraging inmates to make connections outside the walls of their prison goes a long way in their rehabilitation.
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