Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for your baby. It helps them develop healthy bones and muscles, improves the immune system, creates a healthier respiratory tract, and ensures proper development of your infant. Unfortunately, many babies, especially those who are breastfed or don’t spend a lot of time in the sun, are at risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency. It’s important to know what signs and symptoms to look for.
Do You Have a Fussy Baby?
If your baby seems more irritable than normal, it could be because they are suffering from a vitamin D deficiency. Consider whether your baby seems happy when they wake up, whether they are playing with their toys or watching their favorite shows as often, and whether they seem interested in the people around them. If they’re regularly fussy with no solid reason, consider taking them to the pediatrician to determine if they have a vitamin deficiency.
Regulate Their Little Immune Systems
Does your baby seem to catch every cold or ailment that goes around? If so, it may be because their immune system isn’t developing the way it should, which could indicate a vitamin D deficiency. Providing a supplement that offers can help them to rebuild a healthy immune system, get more vitamin D into their system, and stop catching colds at the drop of a hat.
Your Little One Seems More Tired Than Usual
Is your baby sleeping later in the morning or seeming to want to go to bed earlier at night? Perhaps they’re taking more naps than usual or sleeping longer than they used to when they do nap. If your baby is tired and lethargic and you can’t find any other underlying cause, it’s likely because they have a vitamin D deficiency and would benefit from organic vitamin D drops for newborns.
Your Baby Develops Tetany
When a baby isn’t getting enough vitamin D, they likely aren’t getting enough calcium, either. A lack of calcium in a baby’s bloodstream can result in the development of tetany. Tetany leads to apneic spells, which causes your baby to have trouble breathing or develop muscular weakness. In extreme cases, it can cause your baby to begin having seizures.
You Notice More Frequent Respiratory Infections
Vitamin D deficiency affects your baby’s respiratory system. If you notice that your little one is often developing respiratory tract infections, especially if they are lower respiratory tract infections or require hospitalization, then it’s likely that they don’t have enough vitamin D in their system. Proper levels of the vitamin lower the risk of developing these infections or having to be admitted to the hospital.
Your Baby Is Developing Slowly
A lack of vitamin D often causes babies to develop more slowly than average. If your child is behind on crawling or walking, doesn’t have teeth erupting at the proper rate, or seems to be behind in other parts of their development, it could be due to vitamin deficiency.
If you want to purchase a newborn bundle of supplements for your baby, talk to your pediatrician. He or she can help you determine if your baby has a vitamin D deficiency and which supplements they will benefit from receiving. With the right guidance, you can ensure your newborn’s health and happiness.
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