Communism is a system, in which all properties, trades, businesses and industries are owned by the government/state community.
People work, provide their services, and they get paid according to their abilities. It is like building a community, where everything is controlled by the government. There is a well-known saying about the communism ideology.
“From each according to his ability to each according to his needs”
The word communism is derived from a Latin word “Communis”, which means common. It means common people are those who follow this ideology. In easy words, it aims to build a society which is class-less, where everyone is equal.
Communist thinkers believe that means of production should be taken away from the ruling class, and it should be given to common people.
Communism ensures the equal division of wealth in the whole country.

Let’s look into the pros and cons of this administrative system.
Pros of Communism
- Everyone gets equal opportunities
In a communist society, everyone gets an equal chance to build his future by himself. As there are not some hereditary household benefits, like existent resources, that can provide a benefit. Ordinary people have to work hard to achieve what they want. Everyone starts the same and works his way to the progress.
- Everyone gets a job
This is the biggest benefit of communism, that no one is left jobless. Everyone is considered equal and everyone has a different talent and service to offer. So almost everyone gets employed and as a result, we observe a society which is class-less and with a low to zero crime rate.
- Everyone is educated
Because every citizen is supposed to play his/her role for the betterment of their community. They need to be educated, people realize that without having a proper education and learning important skills is more than necessary.
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- Every mean of production is considered important
Agriculture and manufacturing are considered most important, while every mean of production is important. Because they need to produce more products for cheap prices and need to sell them in affordable prices too. They design a structure, where agricultural industry gets the most value and attention.
Cons of Communism
- No rights for an individual
Communism demands services for the community. Let’s suppose a person likes to do painting, but the community needs a plumber. He will have no choice left, other than to be a plumber. This is the biggest issue that people cannot do what they want to do, they have to give up their interests and things they enjoy doing.
- Ignorance is the biggest issue
The ruling party controls media and all the messages/ news which are spread across the country. Censorship boards are made strong. People are not given access to the outside world. Which literally means that the ruling party controls what people should and should not think about. It causes misinformation and ignorance among people, which often leads to violent conflicts.
- No one gets to have an authority
As I mentioned before that only one ruling party controls everything. Unlike capitalism, no one can own his/ her private property or business. So if you are living in a communist society and wish for a job where you are the boss, it is quite impossible to be one.
- Earnings are limited
This is the strangest factor of the communist society that the government decides, how much one person can and should earn. If he/she reaches that number, he cannot do any more work. Which is a death for creativity and innovation, as this rule kills all the motivation to grow and work further to build a fortune.
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Final Words
As we discussed in detail, like every political and economic system, communism also have many boons and bans. It depends upon the society and socio-political environment for a political system to be successful. Hope you enjoyed reading the article. Comment below if you want to learn more about other types of political systems.
Happy Reading!!
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